Friday, May 23, 2008

Living In The Question

Do You Really Want Change?

As this new season “springs” upon us, many of us are looking to clear out the old and embrace the new. Change is upon us, and yet, most of us have limited success at creating change effectively and easily. By this time in the year, we have had a chance to observe how well—or how poorly—many of our New Year’s resolutions have progressed, many of us are looking for what change we would actually like to create in our lives—and perhaps in the world at large. Allow me to share with you one tool that will make creating any change a whole lot easier and more effective.

So how do we create the change we are looking for? The most dynamic way to create change is to start by asking questions. A question empowers; an answer disempowers. A question creates possibilities; an answer limits possibilities. So, if you truly desire to create change in your life, you must be willing to live in (and as) the question.

So, for example, let’s say you desire to create more money in your life. I’m sure no one reading this has any desire for more money, but let’s look at it just in case. If you’d like to create more money in your life, start by asking a question such as: “What are the infinite possibilities for huge amounts of money to show up in my life?” or “What would it take for $10,000 a month more to show up in my life?” And be willing to see what areas of your life and which points of view must change to make that a reality.

Asking the question allows the Universe (that infinitely abundant place in which you currently live) to support you and to utilize its resources on your behalf. When you ask a question, you put the universe to work for you. Now, you may call it the Universe, God, Infinite Intelligence, or any other name that works for you. It doesn’t matter what you call it. The important part is to get it working for you. And the way to do that is to ask questions instead of having — or looking for — answers.

Now, you, the curious reader, are probably thinking, “Say what?!?!” Because if you’re like me, you have been taught since you were a kid that you had to have the right answer; and that the right answer would solve all of your problems and lead you to a life of happiness. I was taught that also. My question to you is, “How’s that working for you?”

Really...look at it. How has trying to come up with the answer worked for you? Have you created the happy life you know should exist? Have you created everything you’d like in your life? Or are there areas you continually attempt to change without succeeding? If you’re like most people, having the answer (i.e.: ”I can’t do it because...”) doesn’t work very well. With each answer, you stop the energy of creation and you stop other possibilities from showing up. When you give an answer, even if it’s not verbal, even if it’s just your point of view about something, you are creating a limitation.

Let’s use money again as an example. An answer regarding money would be any limiting point of view that is not a question. When I give money workshops, I’ll often ask the participants this question, “What fixed point of view do you have regarding money that is limiting the amount of money you can receive?” You would be amazed at the answers I receive: “I don’t have enough money to pay my bills.” “I’ll never be rich.” “My family is poor, so I’ll always be poor.” “No matter what I try, it never works,” are all examples.

Nice answers, don’t you think? When you take a point of view, that’s it. That’s the reality you will create. With each answer, there is no way to change it, nor any question on how to change it. With each question, there is the possibility for change. Wouldn’t it be better to ask a question that would allow things to change, rather than taking a fixed point of view that something is wrong or unchangeable?

To change anything you desire, just ask for the change you desire prefaced with the phrase, “What would it take for _____________ to show up?” By using this one simple question, you can put in motion the changes you’d like to see in your life and put the energy of the Universe to work for you to facilitate change in ANY area.

Examples of this would be: “What would it take for my money situation to change?” “What would it take to have an easy time dealing with my kids?” or “What would it take to create a new job?”

And one more question that you’ll definitely desire to add to your repertoire, “How does it get any better than this?” It’s not just a great title for a column, it’s a great question. Ask it when something “good” happens or when something “bad” happens. In a good situation, it keeps the energy flowing, creating more “good” stuff. In a “bad” situation, it allows the energy of the situation to change for the better.

When you give an answer like “Yeah! I’ve got it,” after having something show up, you stop creating more great stuff because you are, in effect, telling the universe (and the creative YOU) that there is no longer any energetic input required. Just as an answer like, “This is terrible!” will make sure the situation you are in is indeed terrible. Asking, “How does it get any better than this?” to both of these situations will change the energy for the better. How does it get any better than that?

Asking these questions will begin the process of changing anything in your life. As you start to ask questions to create change instead of having to have answers, you will find that you can change anything and that the process of change becomes much easier.

Happy questioning!!

Dain Heer, D.C.


Sharyn said...

How does it get any better than that?

We were introduced to Access only a short time ago, and it has changed our lives. It can be so simple, if we just let it be.

We had the phenominal experience of participating in Dain's 'Energetic Synthesis of Being' course in Brisbane recently. Thank you Dain for showing us what it is like to 'BE' the infinite beings we truely are, and how to 'BE' the change that will change anything.

Simply 'Living in the Question' will open up infinite possibilities. All you need to do is ask. (It's much easier than trying to work it out). How does it get any better than this?

Anyone who truely desires to change their lives, should check this out.

Lisen Bengtsson said...

Dear Dain,

I just love your energy and the energy you are working with. I work as a energyhealer and just know that this will enrich my work. I`m so looking forward seeing you in Malmö!!
Lots of love

Karma said...

Thank you SO much for what you do and who you are. Any chance you'll start blogging more? I read your book on embodiment and it's really changing my life, day by day..
thanks again,